The following is a list is presented in alphabetical order by source, not by order of importance.

The Nine Habits of Highly Effective Churches — George Barna

  1. They rely upon strategic leadership.
  2. They are organized to facilitate highly effective ministry.
  3. They emphasize developing significant relationships within the congregation.
  4. They invest themselves in genuine worship
  5. They engage in strategic evangelism.
  6. They get their people involved in systematic theological growth.
  7. They utilize holistic stewardship practices.
  8. They serve the needy people in their community.
  9. They equip families to minister to themselves.

“Is This Body Healthy?” A Church for the 21st Century– Health Signs – Leith Anderson

  1. Glorify God
  2. Producing disciples
  3. Exercise of spiritual gifts
  4. Relating positively to one’s environment
  5. Reproduction
  6. Incorporation of newcomers
  7. Openness to change
  8. Trusting God & prayer

Twelve Keys to an Effective Church Kennon L. Callahan

  1. Specific, concrete missional objectives
  2. Pastoral & lay visitation
  3. Corporate, dynamic worship
  4. Significant relational groups
  5. Strong leadership resources
  6. Streamlined structure & solid, participatory decision making
  7. Several competent programs & activities
  8. Open accessibility
  9. High visibility
  10. Adequate parking, land, & landscaping
  11. Adequate space & facilities
  12. Solid financial resources

Marks of Church Health 21st Century Strategies — Bill Easum

  1. Clear sense of mission
  2. Authentic community
  3. Indigenous worship
  4. Lay mobilization
  5. Organic structure
  6. Kingdom oriented
  7. Experientially focused on Jesus Christ

Ten Characteristics of a Healthy Church Vision — New England

  1. God’s empowering presence
  2. God-exalting worship
  3. Personal disciplines
  4. Learning & growing in community
  5. Commitment to loving/caring relationships
  6. Servant-leadership development
  7. An outward focus
  8. Wise administration & accountability
  9. Networking with the regional church
  10. Stewardship & generosity

Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches– Natural Church — Christian Schwarz

  1. Empowering leadership
  2. Gift-oriented ministry Development
  3. Passionate spirituality
  4. Functional structures
  5. Inspiring worship service
  6. Holistic small groups
  7. Need-oriented evangelism
  8. Loving relationships

Characteristics of a Healthy Church — Sonlife Ministries — Dann Spader

  1. Strong Christology
  2. Clearly defined mission/purpose
  3. Biblical strategy of a balanced win, build, & equip
  4. Regularly winning the lost
  5. Strategically building the believers
  6. Ongoing equipping of the worker
  7. Corporate & segment multiplication of shepherds
  8. A broadly owned vision
  9. A teachable spirit

Vital Signs of Healthy Churches — The Healthy Church — C. Peter Wagner

  1. A positive pastor
  2. A well-mobilized laity
  3. Meeting members’ needs
  4. Proper balance of the dynamic relationship between celebration, congregation and cell
  5. A common homogeneous denominator
  6. Effective evangelistic methods
  7. Biblical priorities

The Healthy Churches Handbook by Church House Publishing on 1st April, 2004 – Rev Canon Robert Warren

  1. Energized by faith
  2. An outward-looking focus
  3. Seeks to find out what God wants
  4. Faces the cost of change and growth
  5. Operates as a community
  6. Makes room for all
  7. Does a few things and does them well

Characteristics of a Healthy Church — Willow Creek

  1. Active spiritual formation
  2. Authentic community (not public)
  3. Contagious evangelism
  4. Mobilized spiritual gifts
  5. Good stewardship
  6. Strong leadership
  7. Cultural relevance
  8. Effective generation focused ministry
  9. Collaboration and partnership

Windows into the 21st Century Church Leadership Network

  1. Effective leadership
  2. Lay mobilization
  3. Cultural connectedness
  4. Authentic community
  5. Kingdom collaboration

Prepared by Rev. Dr. Ann M. Philbrick, Heartwood LLC for the Presbytery of Charlotte